

          Despite the ongoing COVID rampage, PSMA held their annual meeting on 18 November. If you remember, the 2020 year’s meeting was cancelled due to COVID. What follows are some of the highlights from the 2021 meeting.

          PSMA President Ken Herrick opened the meeting and offered opening remarks.

          The twenty-two Albacore shipmates that went on Eternal Patrol during 2020-2021 were acknowledged. Additionally, the loss of our ardent supporter Stephen Cuff and Board members Paul McEachern and Gerry Sedor was also recognized.

          New Operations Manager Camden Ballard was introduced.

          Treasurer Phil Munck reported that PSMA had weathered the first two years of the pandemic better than might have been expected. Revenue per visitor was up and attendance continues to recover. Grants totaling $375,300 were received 2019 to date (Nov ’21).

          Maintenance Manager Jim Wakefield reported little progress on the hull preservation project. PSMA plans to apply for a Historic Preservation Fund Grant for additional money to get the project underway. Jim also spoke to the 28 September successful installation of a Type 8b periscope in the museum building.

          Executive Director Patti Violette thanked members of the staff, interns, site volunteers and corporate volunteer groups who all contributed to a job well done during trying times. Volunteer Linda Larson was presented with a Volunteer Appreciation Award for her dedicated tending of the museum grounds. Maintenance Manager Jim Wakefield and Board member Ken Latchaw also received Appreciation Awards for their work in installing the 8b periscope and Ken for crafting a new Memorial Garden sign. Patti reviewed the 2021 Lecture Series that was done via Zoom and highlighted several of the events that took place at the Park during the year - Memorial Day and Navy History Day (September 18). The 2021 Wreaths Across America observance was scheduled for December 18th. Patti also provided the 2022 lecture series beginning with “Flight of Remembrance: WWII From the Losing Side” on March 19th; “New England Lighthouses: The People Who Kept Them” (March 24th);  and “Heroes & Homecomings: Norman Rockwell/WWII” (April 16th). Lectures will be presented live and on Zoom. Patti noted that 2021 brought challenges to the Gift Shop in the form of acquiring inventory, purchasing and shipping delays, keeping up with demand and price increases due to shipping and supply. She noted that efforts would continue to raise funds to paint the boat, to continue social media enhancements, expand collaborations, partnerships and networks and to continue to build educational programming.

          Dick Wilder presented the Archival Committee Report. The archival area was reorganized to provide a u-shaped library area with a small reading table in the center. A large donation of books and papers was received from Director Emeritus Russ Van Billiard. Thus far, 411 books, 674 photos, 435 objects and 72 other archival items have been entered into the Past Perfect Catalog. Future plans include offering a formal training program to teach volunteers to use the Past Perfect database, expand the ability to catalogue and to have an archival facility to present to the public.

          Phil Munck provided the Building Committee Report. Following acceptance of a concept process for a new museum, work on a schematic design began in 2019. The purpose of a schematic design is to translate concept into workable plans. In 2020, the Board directed the design of 10,000 sq. ft. which would cost $3.8 million. The design was competed and accepted this fall.

Joe Freda’s Development Committee Report indicated that they had received $15,000 for Search Engine Marketing, $10,000 for Customer Relationship Management and are working with contractors Evergreen Philanthropic and Naretiv in preparing for a major fund raising campaign.

Patti presented the Educational Committee Report filling in for Gerry Sedor. A $25,000 grant had been received which will be used toward funding: program development, programmatic supplies, per diem for educators, a portable Learning Lab on-site and provide intern stipends. Work in conjunction with UNH Computer Science and Information Technology students on a Capstone program to develop Virtual Reality programming using 3D scans taken of the boat over the last several years using gaming software. The intent is to take the “Show on the Road” to provide the visitor experience for those who are unable to go onboard the submarine. A second UNH Capstone Program with the Civil Engineering Department is to revisit an earlier Visitor Center Reuse Project with a view to: enlarge the museum gallery, add educational/lecture hall spaces, increase the administrative space, increase rest room facilities and also gift shop and inventory spaces.



As chairman of the Nominating Committee, Jim Wakefield presented the list of nominees for Board positions as follows:

          Directors for the term running 1/1/2022 to 12/31/2024

                    Ken Herrick

                    Phil Munck

                    Jim Wakefield

                    Ken Linscott

                    Ken Latchaw

                    Joe Freda

                    Gary Woods

          President - Ken Herrick 1/1/2022 to 12/31/2022 (at Ken’s request)

          Vice President - Ken Latchaw from 1/1/2022 to 12/31/2024

          Secretary - Gary Woods 1/1/2022 to 12/31/2024

          Treasurer - Phillip Munch 1/1/2022 to 12/31/2024

          Associate Director - Noah Lemire 1/1/2022 to 12/31/2024

The slate of nominees was unanimously elected.


          Shipmate Ken Webber has relocated to 1034 Eagle Crest Lane, Moneta, VA 24121. Shipmate Merrill Budge has surfaced. Merrill was an EN2 while on board from 1971 to decommissioning. He can be reached by snail mail at P.O. Box 1172, Seligman, AZ 86337 or email at “”. His phone is (435) 619-7895. Welcome back aboard Merrill.


Until next time, shipmate, stay safe and healthy.

Jack Hunter

11 Admiralty Drive, Apt 3

Middletown, RI 02842-6254

(401) 849-7282


Patti Violette